1 ON 1


There are modalities that every man or women should follow in their journey, learn about the foundational pillars to a successful life…


Using the ‘D.I.S.C Model’ to study and respond to human behavior.


Agents, let my over 37 years of trial and error show you what you should and shouldn’t do. There is two ways to learn; from your own mistakes or the mistakes of others. Let my years of experience save you time, energy and money. (It’s cheaper)


Position your salespeople and company for unprecedented growth.

In today's competitive economic environment you need to have a winning edge. The best way to ensure steady growth of your organization is to continually develop and grow your people. With my over 37 years of real estate sales and management, I assist you to continually raise the bar and train your sales force affordably, efficiently and quickly. Brokers we help you GET, KEEP and RETAIN your agents. I’m personally “Committed to your Growth”!




Welcome to my coaching programs! I developed these themed packages based on the in-depth, transformative coaching work I’ve done with clients over the past thirty six years. Everything from the number of sessions and pacing to the email recaps and check-ins, has been carefully put together to provide the optimum balance of support, guidance and momentum.

Coaching sessions can be done in person (if you live in the Florida area) or online via Skype, Hangout, Zoom or on the phone. Sessions are either 60 or 90 minutes and typically take place every other week with email check-ins in between sessions. Package themes can be combined to create a cu3 Columnstomized focus to meet your individual needs.

Full commitment

– ONE ON ONE (1 year) Weekly 30 minute live one on one call.

– Review previous week’s progress and set targets and accountability for the following week.

– Includes any necessary email or text communication during the week.

– Full access to online training


Coaching Package 1

Monthly plan $750/month, Pre-paid in full $8,000.

Support package

– ONE ON ONE (every 2-week 30-minute accountability)

– Send in weekly reporting on activity.

– Access to online training curriculum.

– 30 minute ONE ON ONE call to review.

Coaching Package 2

Monthly plan $375/month, Pre-pay in full $4,000.

Group coaching

– One-hour group mastermind training once per month.

– Includes full access to

the online training system.

Coaching Package 3

Monthly plan $49/month, Pre-pay in full $500.